- Information on the data controller housed on the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website on the social network
In compliance with the duty of information set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April (GDPR) and Organic Law (ES) 3/2018, of 5 December (LOPDGDD), BIOIBERICA S.A.U., hereinafter the Controller, wishes to inform users of this social network of its policy regarding the processing and protection of the personal data of those persons who voluntarily access and use the official website of THE CONTROLLER therein. When users access and use this official website of THE CONTROLLER, it supposes that they explicitly accept this privacy policy and provide their consent for the processing of their personal data as provided for therein.
- Data of minors and disabled persons
Children under fourteen (14) years of age are banned from accessing or signing up to this social network, meaning that they are also banned from accessing and using the BIOIBERICA, SAUofficial site on the network. If the user is a disabled person, BIOIBERICA, SAUwarns that the consensual assistance of their parents, guardians or legal representative will be necessary to access and use this BIOIBERICA, SAUofficial site. BIOIBERICA, SAU shall be expressly exonerated from any liability that could arise from the use of its official website by minors or disabled persons and that their legal representatives shall be liable in each case.
- Identification of the controller’s business name
You are informed thatBIOIBERICA, SAU,with registered office at Antic Camí de Tordera, 109-119 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona), is the controller of the files and processing operations through which your personal data are collected and stored as a consequence of registering with and using the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website on this social network, without prejudice to operations for which the owner of the social network on which our official website is found is responsible.
- Purposes for which personal data are used, information and consent
The personal data you voluntarily provide to BIOIBERICA, SAU through its official website shall form part of a data processing operation under the responsibility of BIOIBERICA, SAU in order to offer you information on BIOIBERICA, SAUby email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other present or future electronic or physical means that makes it possible to perform commercial communications, to send a newsletter to users who sign up to it, to exchange information with BIOIBERICA, SAU and other users and to establish communication with third parties.
From the time you use this official website you are providing your free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for BIOIBERICA, SAU to process your personal data for the correct provision of the abovementioned services pursuant to this policy.
You are free to use the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website on this social network, so if you do not agree to the processing of your data for these purposes you must not use it or provide your personal data.
Through the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website you can share texts, photos, videos and other types of information and/or content which shall be subject both to this policy and the platform rules and conditions. You shall be responsible for ensuring that all content you publish respects the laws in force, the rules of this policy and the platform rules.
You may only publish personal data, photos and information or other content whose rights and ownership belong to you or with respect to which you have third-party authorisation on this BIOIBERICA, SAU official website.
BIOIBERICA, SAU shall be entitled to remove from this official website –unilaterally without any prior communication or your authorisation– any content you publish if you infringe or breach the laws in force, the rules established in this policy or the platform rules.
- Identification of recipients with respect to which BIOIBERICA, SAU plans to make data assignments or communications
You are cautioned that all information and content you publish on the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website on the social network may be known by the other site and social-network platform users. Therefore, all information and content you publish on the BIOIBERICA, SAUofficial website on this social network shall be disclosed to other users due to the very nature of the service.
BIOIBERICA, SAU only plans to make data assignments or communications which, owing to the laws in force, must be made to judges, courts, public administrations or competent administrative authorities.
- Other third-party service providers
BIOIBERICA, SAU cautions you that it is only responsible for and ensures the confidentiality, security and processing of data in accordance with this policy, with respect to the personal data you provide through the official site on this social network and takes no responsibility for processing operations or subsequent uses that may be made of the personal data either by the owner of the social network or third-party information-society service providers that may access the data by reason of the provision of their services or the exercise of their activity, third parties that establish hyperlinks to the social network or those parties responsible to those to whom, through hyperlinks, BIOIBERICA, SAU sends users who have signed up to this official website.
- Data quality
BIOIBERICA, SAU cautions you that, excepting where there is a legally established representation, you may not use another person’s identity or disclose their personal data, so you must at all times consider that you can only supply personal data corresponding to your own identity and which are suitable, pertinent, current, accurate and true. In any case, you must respect third-party privacy, regardless of whether or not they are users of the social network or the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website found on it.
- Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection to data
BIOIBERICA, SAU informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection by writing to BIOIBERICA, SAU with registered office at Antic Camí de Tordera, 109-119 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona), or that which replaces it and communicating it to the Data Protection General Registry. For these purposes you must send BIOIBERICA, SAU the written communication indicating the request or right being exercised together with a copy of your national ID document or legally valid document proving your identity, expressly indicating your username on the BIOIBERICA, SAU official website on the social network in order to unmistakably identify you.
- Other information of interest
BIOIBERICA, SAU may amend and/or replace this policy which, depending on the case, will replace, complete and/or amend the currently published one shown here at any time. To that end you must log on regularly in order to remain up to date.
You may contact BIOIBERICA, SAU via the social network’s internal messaging service or by writing to us at the following address:
Registered office: Antic Camí de Tordera, 109-119 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona)
You can also consult the rules and policies on using the social network published by its owner.

Antic Camí de la Tordera st., 109-119
08389 Palafolls (Barcelona)
Tel: +34 93 765 03 90
Fax: +34 93 765 01 02
Av. Països Catalans 34, planta 2a,
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona – España)
Tel: +34 93 490 49 08
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